

Cantrina in real time

posted on 4 March 2011
I am writing from New York… I try in English (no time, unfortunately to have our dear Michael Benson translating for us). The weather is fine, better than in Italy, chilly temperature but no snow. The city is amazing, as always and each time I’m back it seems to me like being back home. Just an update about the mess I’m doing here, working in New York for the second time this year. Today a benefit event will be held by the Brooklyn based Issue Project Room, rapidly becoming the point of reference for contemporary art in the New York area. Cantrina is a proud sponsor and our wines will be the only ones in tasting for the night. This link with art is going on coming back in my life and I like being part of the art world through my “creative” and unconventional wines. I am more and more convinced that the difficult way I started 12 years ago is my way. But it was hard, and still it is. New York is oftem defined as the city of opportunities, I’ll let you know when back… actually I will have to report to Diego (who is my business partner) about this flying back and forth to New York. Otherwise he will start to think business is just a good reason to spend a slice of my life in the Big Apple. Cristina

Harvest 2013

posted on 11 October 2013
L’andamento climatico della primavera, fredda e particolarmente piovosa, ha fatto ritardare la fioritura delle vigne e di conseguenza anche l’epoca di vendemmia, che si è spostata in avanti di un paio di settimane rispetto alle ultime annate. Ma è quest’anno a essere in ritardo o forse sono stati gli anni scorsi a essere oltremodo precoci rispetto ai tradizionali tempi di raccolta? Noi abbiamo raccolto le prime uve il 3 settembre, iniziando come sempre dal pinot nero per il rosato (ROSANOIRE): la maturità, disomogenea per porzione di vigneto e talvolta notevole anche tra singola pianta, ci ha costretto a un difficile lavoro di selezione dei grappoli e i primi assaggi dalle vasche a fine fermentazione soddisfano le nostre aspettative.

Newsletter in the rain

posted on 12 April 2013
…nothing but rain, rain, and more rain… I swear that we have NEVER seen such a season!!! This has been a growing year that starting way back in autumn has brought rain practically every week, even though the winter was not particularly severe. One must exercise patience, and we know that “it never rains forever,” and that the sun does eventually appear. So, we can only hope. The activities in the vineyard are proceeding slowly (see above paragraph!), but things are going very nicely in the cellar. After bottling in January, we released Rosanoire 2012, and then in March Zerdì 2010 and Groppello 2012 went into bottle.

Epiphany 2013

posted on 6 January 2013
Yes, here I am again, now that the Befana, the traditional Good Witch of the Epiphany, has landed. She is bearing you, along with Diego, a full load of our warmest wishes for the New Year, and I personally wish that I too could bring you presents, but can you just picture a Befana scattering bottles of wine while trying to fly her broom at the same time?! So it’s better for the moment that the bottles continue to rest in the cellar, and that way they will be here for you when you come–invitation!–to visit us over the course of 2013 to taste them with us. Now, as far as what’s coming up in the near future …
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