

Cantrina in real time

posted on 4 March 2011
I am writing from New York… I try in English (no time, unfortunately to have our dear Michael Benson translating for us). The weather is fine, better than in Italy, chilly temperature but no snow. The city is amazing, as always and each time I’m back it seems to me like being back home. Just an update about the mess I’m doing here, working in New York for the second time this year. Today a benefit event will be held by the Brooklyn based Issue Project Room, rapidly becoming the point of reference for contemporary art in the New York area. Cantrina is a proud sponsor and our wines will be the only ones in tasting for the night. This link with art is going on coming back in my life and I like being part of the art world through my “creative” and unconventional wines. I am more and more convinced that the difficult way I started 12 years ago is my way. But it was hard, and still it is. New York is oftem defined as the city of opportunities, I’ll let you know when back… actually I will have to report to Diego (who is my business partner) about this flying back and forth to New York. Otherwise he will start to think business is just a good reason to spend a slice of my life in the Big Apple. Cristina

Speaking of the harvest…

posted on 12 July 2011
The curtain has gone up on the 2011 harvest… rather earlier than usual: we in fact started picking in mid-August. Spring this year, which was particularly hot and precocious, already made us think that there would be an early harvest, even if June and July – unusually cool but with just the right amount of regular rainfall – slightly slowed down ripening. But then along came the crazy, Sahara-like temperatures of the second half of August to speed things up again. In view of the sudden drop in acidity that accompanied the final stages of ripening, we were particularly concerned with preserving the freshness and healthiness of the fruit, so as to obtain wines that were still naturally fresh and well-balanced.

Spring Newsletter

posted on 4 April 2011
Vinitaly 2011 Every time that Vinitaly comes around it seems that time has just flown by… Like last year, we won’t be having our own stand, but those who want to taste our products will still be able to do so on the Garda Classico Consortium’s stand, no. D8 in the Lombardy Pavilion at PalaExpo. The winery, naturally, will remain open for visits or tastings.

The Befana’s* Newsletter

posted on 5 January 2011
*[In Italy the feast of Epiphany is “personified” by la Befana, an imaginary, witch-like crone who brings gifts to good children and (sweet) “coal” to those who have misbehaved]. I always like to be a little bit different, so the Befana’s feast is one I identify with… and that is why I am only now taking the opportunity to wish everyone a Happy New Year, assuming you have survived the massive beanfeasts during the recent holiday period! I just have one or two TEENSY-WEENSY bits of news to tell you about: Cantrina has also gained a foothold in MonteCarlo, for now just with our most extreme wine, the ERETICO 2007… I am increasingly convinced that unique products really do make a difference in the marketplace and so one should always be prepared to TAKE A GAMBLE!
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