

Story of a season

posted on 30 October 2024

Hello to all our friends!

It’s been quite some time since our last newsletter, since we’ve had so many things to do. Plus the fact that this growing year, just concluded with our 2024 harvest, was certainly not among our easiest, particularly for those like us, who have chosen to farm organically. The months have sped by, and here we are just now finding the time to catch you up on what we’ve been doing.


The growing year opened to a fairly cool winter, considering the global warming currently underway, with a freeze here and there and regular rains, which encouraged a spring budbreak that was normal, all thing considered, and not much earlier than in past seasons. Spring rains were copious from late April through all of May and June, and often so heavy and lengthy as to make our vineyard management and anti-fungal defence very challenging and nerve-wracking. July and August fortunately delivered sun and endless warmth, considerably helping us to manage things on all fronts and to prepare the fruit as best as possible for the imminent harvest. Which took place in textbook fashion in September, just before the return of torrential rains.


The crop was a really small one, since we lost some 40% of it to adverse weather in the spring, but meticulous, painstaking quality-selection of the grapes in the weeks preceding picking meant that e brought in very good quality grapes. Now, with fermentations almost finished, and with just the grapes for Sole di Dario, still in the drying process, we can say that the rosés, as well as the whites, are showing very well, clean and taut. The same goes for reds, which are a tad less powerful than in past vintages but still fully representative of the Cantrina style.


The winecellar now boasts a new occupant, a concrete “Tulip,” an eye-catching “cask” that is already coddling our new Groppello 2024. We believe that its material is splendidly suited to the maturation of this noble yet delicate grape variety. Next spring, we will be completing the planting of the new vineyard we began last year, part white varieties and part Groppello. We expect our first clusters from it in the 2025 harvest. In 2024 we bottled the two 2023 rosés and Sole di Dario 2021, Groppello 2023, Riné 2023 and Nepomuceno 2021; we are especially pleased with Zerdì . Our rebohas turned out to be a more ambitious wine, with a more spicy character, than in the past, so we thought of giving it a better dress: it’s now in a more elegant Burgundy bottle and bears a new label.


Mercato dei Vignaioli Indipendenti in Bologna, at Hall 29, stand A 42, on 22, 23, 24 November 2024.


This link will allows you to personally witness some moments of our harvest. Maybe one day we will gather everything together in a lovely book, all 20 harvests!

Cristina and Diego

Last news 2009

posted on 11 December 2009
During the harvest, Ivan, a dear friend of ours and a keen photographer, came to visit us: he is extremely good at capturing original situations and he is often kind enough to give us some of his splendid snapshots. Well, this year he really amazed us with his tiny but extremely efficient camera: using the video recording function, he turned himself into a film director, shooting harvest scenes with rare spontaneity. We still start to smile when we think of Ivan racing up and down between the vines on Gianni (our trusty vineyard worker)‘s bicycle as he filmed each scene, each person and each detail like an enthusiastic child, eager to complete a jigsaw puzzle of the vintage at Cantrina. The video only lasts 8 minutes, so we urge you to take a short break and watch this really unmissable clip.

Harvest in Cantrina

posted on 8 October 2009
Here we are almost at the end of the harvest (we still have to pick just a tiny part of our grapes and press those that we have set aside for drying) and so, strange as it may seem, it’s time to take stock of the overall situation once again. It was a precocious harvest for the early-ripening grapes (Pinot Nero, Chardonnay and Sauvignon), due to early flowering in the spring and very favourable weather during the summer. The picking time for Merlot, Rebo and Marzemino was more in line with the norm, thanks to a fine September with cool nights and rain-free days. The health of the grapes and the first analyses of the new wines allow us to rate 2009 as a good year. Only time will tell us whether it will be an excellent vintage: yes, time, which is much more truthful than all those exaggerated proclamations we tend to be bombarded with each year as the harvest approaches…

Let’s talk about…Vinitaly 2009

posted on 20 March 2009
vendemmia 2019
Here we are getting ready for Vinitaly 2009, even if it seems to us less and less like a fair that is appropriate for small producers like ourselves: amid all the hustle and bustle of this great event it is difficult to explain to people about our “open-minded exercice de style”. This year, therefore, we are concentrating on alternative methods of getting together with our friends (let’s hear from you!). However, if you are at Vinitaly on 2nd and 3rd April you can find us in the Lombardy pavilion in the PalaExpo on stand C7. If you so desire, we will be able to give you more details about our new releases, which we will merely outline below: Groppello, an indigenous grape variety of the Valtènesi, has become a part of Cantina’s range; with the 2008 vintage we have sought to express and interpret the potential of this cultivar in line with our particular philosophy of production. Rinè 2007 will have a new label, which will also reflect a few small changes we have made in the wine itself. Incrocio Manzoni is the new grape variety that gives this wine a stronger identity.
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