

Last news 2009

posted on 11 December 2009
Two wonderful days during the harvest During the harvest, Ivan, a dear friend of ours and a keen photographer, came to visit us: he is extremely good at capturing original situations and he is often kind enough to give us some of his splendid snapshots. Well, this year he really amazed us with his tiny but extremely efficient camera: using the video recording function, he turned himself into a film director, shooting harvest scenes with rare spontaneity. We still start to smile when we think of Ivan racing up and down between the vines on Gianni (our trusty vineyard worker)‘s bicycle as he filmed each scene, each person and each detail like an enthusiastic child, eager to complete a jigsaw puzzle of the vintage at Cantrina. The video only lasts 8 minutes, so we urge you to take a short break and watch this really unmissable clip. Sole di Dario at the lunch for the Pope On 8th November the Pope paid an official visit to Brescia. Amongst the wines selected for the luncheon was Sole di Dario 2005. This was undoubtedly a great honour for us and we should like to thank the Brescia branch of the Italian Sommeliers’ Association for choosing one of our products to represent winemaking in the Province on such an important occasion. “Stelvin” screw caps We have been thinking about it for a couple of years and, if we manage to organize ourselves in time, we would like to use Stelvin closures (alias screw caps) for the next bottling of Rinè. We are tired of entrusting years of hard work in the vineyard and winery to the unknown element that a cork closure represents: even though it may have a greater aesthetic and cultural appeal, on the other hand it never gives you a complete guarantee as to the quality of the seal it can provide over time, leading to possible ill effects in the wine or just to slight bottle variation. We would really like to know your thoughts on this matter. Restyling of the website We have given our site a slight restyling, so you will find our report on the 2009 vintage in the “Emotions” section… Christmas Greetings Lastly, we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy Christmas and a 2010 full of promise. Cristina and Diego

A busy Spring in Cantrina

posted on 21 March 2014
A busy Spring in Cantrina These sun-filled days are gorgeous, and nature is in full flower. We winegrowers are always keeping a wary eye on the sky and our mind on the growing season: we hope it’s a good beginning… But we’ll talk about the season a bit later; let me tell you first about what’s going on here at Cantrina. PROWEIN As I’m writing this, I’m finishing preparations for ProWein; in fact, I’m almost out the door! Cantrina was invited by Merum to participate for the first time in the most important wine show in northern Europe, on 23-25 March. Germany is very important for us, both for current sales as well as what we could do there in the future. Come see us in Hall 3 at Stand R50

The Befana at Cantrina

posted on 6 January 2014
By now it has become a tradition at Cantrina: Cristina and Diego take advantage of this traditional Italian Epiphany celebration to wish everyone a Happy New Year. At a time that is a difficult one for so many people, we have to show ourselves even more optimistic and forward-looking, and the Good Witch, our beloved Befana, will surely bring a measure of healthy irony and wisdom…

Harvest 2013

posted on 11 October 2013
L’andamento climatico della primavera, fredda e particolarmente piovosa, ha fatto ritardare la fioritura delle vigne e di conseguenza anche l’epoca di vendemmia, che si è spostata in avanti di un paio di settimane rispetto alle ultime annate. Ma è quest’anno a essere in ritardo o forse sono stati gli anni scorsi a essere oltremodo precoci rispetto ai tradizionali tempi di raccolta? Noi abbiamo raccolto le prime uve il 3 settembre, iniziando come sempre dal pinot nero per il rosato (ROSANOIRE): la maturità, disomogenea per porzione di vigneto e talvolta notevole anche tra singola pianta, ci ha costretto a un difficile lavoro di selezione dei grappoli e i primi assaggi dalle vasche a fine fermentazione soddisfano le nostre aspettative.
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