

Azienda Agricola Cantrina ad Astino del Gusto

posted on 16 October 2017
Venerdì 13 ottobre.   Una serata di degustazione nella bellissima cornice del Monastero di Astino, monumento millenario immerso nel verde ai piedi di Bergamo. Bellissimi ed eleganti allestimenti durante le degustazioni di eccellenze locali e dell’est lombardia, rappresentate da Chef e da cantine. E’ stato veramente un piacere agli occhi e al palato… E’ sempre gratificante essere una delle poche cantine selezionate a far parte delle eccellenze del nostro territorio.

The wine-grower’s post-harvest wrap-up

posted on 27 October 2017
Considerazioni del produttore
Now that the fermentations are nearly finished, it’s time for our usual overview with respect to the 2017 harvest—or perhaps better, the 2017 vintage year. As expected, the extremely hot weather and lack of rainfall—some 60% less than normal– that marked the entire season brought the harvest forward by two full weeks, which meant that on 18 August the first pinot noir clusters for Rosanoire were already in the cellar, and the white grapes came in just one week later.

Azienda Agricola Cantrina ad Astino del Gusto

posted on 9 October 2017
Da venerdì 13 a domenica 15 ottobre si terrà Astino nel Gusto. Oltre 100 star del gusto in 3 giorni. Tappe gourmand e cooking show d’autore con chef stellati e il 13/10/17 anche il vino Riné di Azienda Agricola Cantrina sarà presente all’evento. Per maggiori dettagli:

SUMMER 2017: The harvest is just around the corner

posted on 7 August 2017
Well, we are almost there… After a very challenging season that spared us absolutely nothing, in terms of strange weather, we are just about to harvest the earliest-ripening grapes. Following a dry, but finally cold winter, an early, warm spring exploded on us in March, only to be abruptly interrupted on April 19 by a freeze that cost us about 30% of our crop…
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