

SUMMER 2017: The harvest is just around the corner

posted on 7 August 2017
Well, we are almost there… After a very challenging season that spared us absolutely nothing, in terms of strange weather, we are just about to harvest the earliest-ripening grapes. Following a dry, but finally cold winter, an early, warm spring exploded on us in March, only to be abruptly interrupted on April 19 by a freeze that cost us about 30% of our crop… The season then continued, but without much rainfall and with periods on increasing heat, particularly from June on. These were fortunately punctuated by a few rainstorms, which somewhat alleviated the drought that largely characterised this growing season. The Africa-like heat that has marked recent days is surely stressing a certain section of our vineyard, where the soils are lean and drier. All of this definitely portends a harvest that will be a couple of weeks earlier than last year, and a lower crop. So we will definitely need—as, on the other hand, we always do—to carefully calibrate our picking in order to be able to express this season in the most favourable manner possible, and to maintain the style that has always characterised Cantrina’s wines—sound, healthy fruit, cleanness, crispness, and vibrancy. Right after the mid-August holidays, then, the dance will begin, starting as usual with Pinot Noir for Rosanoire, then the white grapes, then step by step, Merlot, Groppello, and Rebo… Finally, to those who have already vacationed and to those who have yet to do so, we wish a fine summer, and to us Good luck for the harvest that is awaiting us just around the corner. Diego and Cristina

Degustazione Il Vino e le Donne

posted on 3 March 2014
Vi informo del prossimo incontro con i vini di Cantrina presso il Ristorante Cappuccini Resortin Via Cappuccini, 54 a Cologne BS il giorno 07/03/14 alle ore 20:00, sarà una degustazione un po’ particolare con abbinamenti azzardati!

I miracoli del vino!

posted on 5 January 2014
La sera del 28 dicembre ho partecipato a una degustazione organizzata in quel di San Zeno di Montagna  dall’amico Angelo Peretti, grande e appassionato conoscitore di vini, protagonisti i Bordeaux anni ’60, solo Saint-Emilion.

Al mercato dei vignaioli si ha l’opportunità di conoscere anche il più piccolo e semi sconosciuto produttore di vino…

posted on 2 December 2013
Sabato 30 novembre e domenica 1 dicembre si è svolta all’Expo di Piacenza la terza edizione del Mercato dei Vignaioli Indipendenti (FIVI). L’impressione è che il numero di produttori presenti sia aumentato così come la presenza dei visitatori. Per noi non è tanto importante parteciparvi per realizzare una vendita fine a se stessa, quanto per rafforzare lo spirito di appartenenza all’associazione.
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