

German taste

posted on 20 November 2016
I’ve just returned from the annual K&U tasting days in Nuremberg; it is always a delight to be there as a wine producer. Martin, Chistopher, Dunia and their entire staff were fantastic, and there was the usual large group of customer-tasters. The most enjoyable part was being able to exchange opinions on wine with producer-friends from France, Austria and Germany, all in a relaxing context of laughter and enjoyment. On the way back, I stopped in Munich to see Claudia and Patrick, long-time customers of mine. Their news is that this year they moved their restaurant, The Spice Bazaar, from Gräfelfing to the centre of Munich, near the Theatre. The new venue is wonderful—spacious and well-furnished, thanks to the artistic tounch of Claudia, who is also chef, with partner David. The theme is Asian, but minimalist, very classy and similar in spirit to northern Europe. The dishes are utterly delicious and well-spiced, and the wine list, designed by Patrick, is very selective. He is quite professional, but even more, he is truly passionate about wine. Those were wonderful days, just like being on a vacation, especially since I had along with me Elena, a dear friend from childhood.The Spice Bazaar“. Belle giornate, è come essere in vacanza soprattutto quando sono accompagnata dalla mia cara amica di infanzia Elena.

When it's nice to play while working ...

posted on 1 June 2016
Really nice evening, the one spent on 17 May at Alma (the International School of Italian Cuisine), starring Chef Riccardo Camanini (Lido 84) and his menu, partially performed, with the students of the upper school course.

Una visita inaspettata

posted on 27 April 2016
Visita inaspettata Cantrina
A volte capitano strani casi per cui un piccolo gruppo di vitivinicoltori messicani, in vacanza in Italia e quindi sul Lago di Garda, vengano a trovarti in cantina per una breve visita all’azienda e che questo diventi l’occasione per un valido  scambio culturale.

Viaggio in Sicilia

posted on 6 January 2016
Sono particolarmente legato a questa splendida regione per il ricordo di alcune entusiasmanti esperienze lavorative e non solo, che mi avevano portato là a fine anni Novanta e mi avevano fatto conoscere una Sicilia per me allora sorprendente e sconosciuta. Così, con rinnovato entusiasmo ho colto al volo l’invito di un amico-fornitore ad accompagnarlo per un breve viaggio di lavoro/piacere nella parte orientale dell’isola.
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