

Guida Slow Wine

I migliori 100 vini rosa d’Italia

posted on 20 July 2020
The Slow Food Guide 2020 I migliori 100 vini rosa d'Italia" is out. Our Valtènesi Chiaretto 2019 "a rose is a rose is a rose" has been selected! We are very happy with this reward, which highlights the most typical and representative wine of our territory. Chiaretto is a rosè embodying elegance, freshness, sapidity, made by 100% groppello grapes, native vineyard of Valtènesi area.

Cantrina, a 20-year-old taste

posted on 12 June 2019
Cantrina Ventennale
On 13 May, we celebrated the 20th anniversary of our winery with a vertical tasting showcasing the three wines that, from our founding to the present, have become iconic. We selected the vintages of each that are most representative of the evolution of the blends, production methods, and ageing. The years tasted are: - Riné (1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, 2013, 2017) - Nepomuceno (1999, 2001, 2005, 2007, 2011, 2015) - Sole di Dario (1999, 2001, 2006, 2009, 2012)

20th Cantrina's anniversary

posted on 18 February 2019
For it was in “long-ago” 1999, amidst countless apprehensions, much enthusiasm, and just a pinch of bravado, that we decided to launch “Project Cantrina.” It represented above all the long-time dream of founder Dario Dattoli, who since the early 1990s dedicated himself to producing just handful of bottles—but made with meticulous care!—for his own enjoyment in his numerous restaurants.

Sole di Dario awarded among best … 5 Italian wines

posted on 4 October 2018
To our great surprise we got 5 bottiglie as the greatest recognition according to Guida de L’Espresso curators.
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