

Cows, horses, and nothing but green. Account of a tasting in a de-consacrated church.

posted on 11 November 2014
And here I am back from Belgium. The only Italian producer among a group of French, I participated for the second time in three days of tastings organised by my small importer, Michel Wijnen in Dilbeek. Just a few tables, with 8 selected producers, all taking part personally. Next to the bottles were the wine-bar prices, as well as promotional prices in case an order was placed right then. The tasters each received a glass and list of the wines, and they had the opportunity of placing an order immediately as they exited–very efficient! Everyone was very interested and tasted every wine by every producer. The courtesy and hospitality of the Michel Wijnen family were stupendous. They put me up at their B&B right out in the country, and from the windows the view was of cows and horses in the midst of an endless green carpet. In the evening, they personally cooked for us, since both Michel and Antony were Michelin-starred chefs in the past, so you can imagine the quality of the dinner! It was wonderful to spend a few days with them. Comments on the tasting… Valtènesi (Groppello 100%) received the most favourable comments: among all the other full-bodied wines, it stands out, with its lighter body, fine fruit, delicacy, and great approachability. Zerdì too was much appreciated, with its fine balance between light and full body, as well as its good price-quality ratio. Tasters liked Rosanoire for its complexity (rosés here are usually seen as a bit on the frivolous side). At the end of the day, exhaustion… the story of the wines told and re-told a thousand times, with the identical enthusiasm as if you were talking about your children. Before this final day, we go to drink the famous Belgian beer, and what a world that is. They even drink beers aged 30 years and more; they take beer seriously here!

ProWein: è passato il primo giorno

posted on 24 March 2014
Tra la disperata ricerca di una connessione ad internet e la curiosità di una fiera completamente nuova per noi il primo giorno di ProWein è passato. Ho evitato di seguire la moda del momento, quindi nessun selfie, nella foto vedete l’impostazione dello stand di Merum dove siamo inseriti.

Il giovedì del Nepomuceno

posted on 21 March 2014
Nella fretta della partenza e nell’affastellarsi di scadenze e impegni, una sorpresa positiva fa proprio bene. Ieri La Stampa ha pubblicato un articolo di Paolo Massobrio dedicato a noi, ma soprattutto al Nepomuceno, che per anni è stato il vino “di punta” di Cantrina. “Nepomuceno è un vino perfetto”: sentirlo dire è proprio bello, perché la perfezione è il risultato di tanto lavoro e passione e anche del crederci. Ora mi preparo per Prowein, dove porto anche il “rustico” Groppello e vi lascio alla lettura dell’articolo.

Associazione Le Donne del Vino: un anno da Delegata di Lombardia

posted on 16 March 2014
Ho da pochi giorni concluso la mia esperienza come Delegata di Lombardia dell’Associazione Nazionale Le Donne del Vino e mi va di condividere con voi qualche pensiero su cosa significhi prendersi un impegno associativo quando si hanno responsabilità dirette in un’azienda come Cantrina.
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