


posted on 21 March 2022
Dear Customers and Winelovers, We’d like to talk to you a bit about our Riné. Although it has changed over the years, we conceived Cantrina’s white wine--our distinctive blend of Riesling and Chardonnay, and a bit of other white varieties we grow here in our estate vineyards--as one that would evolve and mature with cellaring, offering its best even many years after bottling. We noticed, though, in the few years, that we were often forced to sell Riné too soon, and thus offering our customers a wine that was still inexpressive and therefore not fully appreciated for what it really was. Thus our decision to fully recognise the unique merits of this unusual wine by postponing the release of Riné 2020 at least until autumn 2022. As you well know, ours is a very limited production, fruit of a meticulous quality-selection of grapes grown in 8 hectares of organically-cultivated vineyards. Further, we have now had three successive growing years of below-average crops, a challenge that has constrained us to reduce the number of bottles or made it difficult to even produce some of our wines at all. We define ourselves as artisanal winegrowers, which means striving to pay close attention to every single detail in order to follow the most natural path possible in achieving our particular idea of the wine that we bottle and offer to our wine-loving customers. One “detail” that is fundamental for us, throughout the winemaking process, is the selection of the right time. There is a right time for harvesting, a right time for fermenting, for racking, for maturing the wine, for bottling, and, finally, for the right time-length for its ageing in the bottle before the right time arrive to fully enjoy the fruit of such lengthy efforts. Believe us, this decision has cost us a great effort, both logistical and, of course, financial, and it pains us to have to leave some customers wine-less for some months, but we are convinced that our choice will come to be appreciated over time as an act of rigorous winemaking and of respect for all the fans of this superb wine. Thank you, Cristina and Diego


posted on 22 May 2014
La primavera è nel pieno della sua forza vitale e mi piace darvi un piccolo colpo d’occhio del vigneto in questa stagione. Come potete notare dalle fotografie le vigne son già in piena fioritura e, cosa che noi del settore diamo un po’ per scontata, mi chiedo quante persone abbiano mai notato la rara bellezza delle viti in fiore e si siano quindi soffermati ad ammirare.

Dopo Vinitaly

posted on 14 April 2014
Dopo qualche anno di pausa sono tornata a Vinitaly, all’interno dello stand del Consorzio Valtènesi. Premetto che l’ho fatto senza un approccio commerciale, ne ho fatto un investimento in termini di relazioni pubbliche e networking. Praticamente tutta la mia rete di relazioni nel settore è presente e quindi è stata un’ottima occasione per aggiornarci e rinsaldare il rapporto.

Di ritorno dal Prowein

posted on 26 March 2014
Sono appena tornata dal Prowein, una bella esperienza: i risultati commerciali li misurerò nel tempo, ma per contatti e qualità dei contatti è stato un successo. Protagonista è stato il Groppello, che però ha fatto da battistrada agli altri vini. Adesso al lavoro in Cantrina!
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