

Rosanoire 2017

Rosanoire 2017 Bio

posted on 2 February 2018
Rosanoire vendemmia 2017 certificato Bio è in bottiglia! Guarda il video dell'imbottigliamento Ricordo che il rosato è una tradizione in Valtènesi, noi lo facciamo in un modo un po’ alternativo in sintonia con la nostra filosofia produttiva “libero esercizio di stile”, 100% con uve di Pinot nero, viene apprezzato per la sua eleganza, freschezza e longevità. Uscirà sul mercato verso aprile/maggio.

ProWein 2015

posted on 20 March 2015
Here I am back from Prowein, and this year simply confirms my opinion from the first year I participated, that it’s a thoroughly professional event, and very useful to wine professionals. Yes, there’s a lot of activity in the halls, but it’s quite calm and serious, and one doesn’t get over-tired.

Still in cork, but in the future… who knows?

posted on 25 February 2015
Thank you very much for participating in our survey. All of your opinions were valuable to us, and we would like to report to you what we have decided regarding screwcaps for our Valtènesi (Groppello) and Riné. In spite of the strong preference by sector professionals in favour of screwcaps, we realize that it is still premature for Cantrina to utilise screwcaps for the larger part of our wines.

Cork or Screwcap? That is the question

posted on 11 February 2015
I would like to solicit your opinion regarding use of screwcaps. As a consequence of the positive results with our Rosanoire 2013 and 2014, we are evaluating the possibility of using it on our other wines.
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