

Cork or Screwcap? That is the question

posted on 11 February 2015
Mi piacerebbe avere una vostra opinione riguardo l’utilizzo del tappo a vite, stiamo valutando l’idea di utilizzarlo su altri nostri vini dopo la felice esperienza con il Rosanoire 2013 e 2014. Le nostre considerazioni sono queste:
  • migliore tenuta e freschezza del prodotto
  • praticità ed economicità per gli utilizzatori dell’apertura “svita-avvita” sicuramente maggiore rispetto alle chiusure tradizionali
  • basso impatto ambientale, riciclabilità del tappo e risparmio delle foreste di quercia da sughero negli ultimi anni depauperate da decorticazioni selvagge
  • drastica riduzione dei solfiti aggiunti all’imbottigliamento a tutto vantaggio dell’integrità e del rispetto del vino e della salute dei consumatori
  • fine di tutte quelle fastidiose alterazioni organolettiche dovute in qualche modo ai tappi di sughero
E’ molto gradita una tua opinione in merito, visto che saremmo eventualmente intenzionati a impiegarlo a breve sul Valtènesi 2014 e Rinè 2014… Tecnicamente non ci sarebbe alcun problema, anzi, ma tu cosa ne pensi? Mandateci una mail a

I migliori 100 vini rosa d’Italia

posted on 20 July 2020
Guida Slow Wine
The Slow Food Guide 2020 I migliori 100 vini rosa d'Italia" is out.

We miss you

posted on 24 April 2020
Azienda Agricola Cantrina
Spring has arrived in Cantrina and we are enjoying the awakening of nature in a strange and silent environment. Nature is not stopping but some of our activities are and we are working in the vineyard and in the cellar to prepare a bright coming back, as soon it will be sensible and possible. Italy is facing COVID-19 emergency and the whole country is locked down, but essential services, production and logistics are ensured. Gradually every country is implementing necessary measures and we hope you are coping with them without trouble. We want to tell you that we are fine and we are sure we will manage and overcome the emergency. We feel lucky to have the opportunity to spend the quarantine in such a wonderful place as Cantrina and we want to share it with you through some pictures, waiting for the time when it will be again possible to welcome you here and give you a hug.

Riné gains a screw cap

posted on 13 January 2020
Cantrina - Riné tappo a vite
This coming March, the new 2018 vintage of Riné, its second vintage as a certified organic wine, will debut on the market under a screw cap for the first time, and so we want to talk a bit about this type of closure. We have been using this closure for some years now for Rosanoire, and since last year for our latest-born Valtènesi Chiaretto. We have found the results positive in terms of cellarability, soundness, and crispness, in particular over the medium- and long-term; our customers, often tired of opening wines that were tainted, have expressed full satisfaction.
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