

2014 harvest… totally difficult, but not impossible

posted on 15 October 2014
We have finally finished this year’s troubled harvest, and after our series of tastings we feel that we can now give a very preliminary judgment on this year’s wines. The factors that characterised this growing season were huge amounts of rain, low average temperatures, little sun, and a summer that we saw only for brief moments. These conditions created a host of problems, with the grapes struggling to achieve ripeness and various fungal attacks – despite our constant efforts in the vineyards – affecting both clusters and leaves. As a consequence, the picking went much more slowly than usual, and the crop was much lighter, in particular because we had to perform a very painstaking quality-selection of the grapes on the vine, since we want to vinify only the finest-quality clusters, the ripest and healthiest. Hard work and meticulous attention do nevertheless always produce good results, even though we now have a vintage in which the wines display less body and less alcohol than normal, with pronounced acidities at least at this moment, all of which give us wines that seem more “Nordic” in style than Mediterranean, more similar to the wines of the1960s and ‘70s. We will now need to dedicate much more attention to the new wines in order to ensure good-quality final versions. But we are convinced that they will bring us unexpected, and pleasant, surprises, wines that will be crisper, with good grip or even a tad rough in their youth, but which will have good evolution potential, although full maturity may take a bit longer than usual. For a wine as powerful, rich, and full-bodied as our Nepomuceno, the season was certainly not among the most favourable, and it may not be produced at all, nor certainly will be our dessert wine, Sole di Dario. Overall, then, having incurred much higher costs than usual we ended up with less and poorer. But it would be a mistake to simply reduce all this to a financial balance sheet. These are years that stimulate the tenacity and skills of both grapegrower and winemaker, and help one to grow, even in challenging circumstances, to gain expertise that will be of great value in the years ahead, and to be more in touch with the deeper reasons that impel one to choose this profession.

Cork or Screwcap? That is the question

posted on 11 February 2015
I would like to solicit your opinion regarding use of screwcaps. As a consequence of the positive results with our Rosanoire 2013 and 2014, we are evaluating the possibility of using it on our other wines.

Classe 64 in degustazione

posted on 5 January 2015
Domenica sera (28/12/14) ho partecipato alla degustazione dei Bordeaux, ormai diventata un classico appuntamento di fine anno che Angelo Peretti organizza per solo pochi fortunati amici presso la Taverna Kus di San Zeno di Montagna. Secondo me è il miglior modo per festeggiare la fine di un anno e l’arrivo di quello nuovo. Di scena quest’anno 12 vini dell’annata 1964 (hanno cinquant’anni, avete capito bene) ed è sempre molto esaltante approcciarsi a questi vini e scoprire che spesso il fascino è un’emozione che non conosce età…

In Nuremburg with K&U Hausmesse 2014 – Wein radikal anders

posted on 27 November 2014
Gorgeous, wonderful tasting organised by K&U, by Martin Kossler, Dunja Ulbricht and their team. They’re a modest-sized importer in Nuremburg, very special persons, all of them, and they simply exude that spirit, in their remarkably-warm hospitality and generosity, and in every perfect organizational detail of this event that runs for two days every year.
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