

Trip to the USA…

posted on 5 May 2017
After two years of working closely with Sussex Wine Merchants, I finally flew to New York to personally meet their team. I found them very accommodating and ultra-efficient, and they planned and helped me with every stop on my itinerary. Christopher and Elan took me to Manhattan, then to Moore Brothers' first wine shop in Brooklyn, then to the other Moore Brothers’ shops in New Jersey and Delaware, all equally impressive. And we ended up with Yves in Atlantic City. I want to warmly thank the entire staff of Moore Brothers for the wonderful hospitality they showed me in all their shops; I was so impressed by their extraordinary professionalism and by the great enthusiasm they show in communicating the world of wine and in introducing their producers’ wines. I truly appreciated how effectively and sincerely they represented and conveyed my own winemaking philosophy. Many thanks to Greg, Dave, and Frank for the great sensitivity and openness they showed me. I feel fortunate indeed to be part of Moore Brothers Wine Choice, together with my winemaking friends of Bele Casel, Paola and Luca

2014 harvest… totally difficult, but not impossible

posted on 15 October 2014
We have finally finished this year’s troubled harvest, and after our series of tastings we feel that we can now give a very preliminary judgment on this year’s wines. The factors that characterised this growing season were huge amounts of rain, low average temperatures, little sun, and a summer that we saw only for brief moments. These conditions created a host of problems, with the grapes struggling to achieve ripeness and various fungal attacks – despite our constant efforts in the vineyards – affecting both clusters and leaves.

New Valtènesi DOC and Groppello

posted on 9 August 2014
1 September marks the official release of our first vintage of Valtènesi DOC, 2013. In point of fact, Cantrina’s Valtènesi is not a new product, since it simply takes the place of Groppello, with the same 100% of that variety and the same label design (in which the term Valtènesi replaces the name of the Groppello grape), but the change gives increased importance to the name of the growing area in which we live and produce our wines. It will just take a bit of time to get used to the new name and to communicate the message about the growing area, before that of the grape variety.

Rischi del mestiere…

posted on 7 July 2014
Dopo anni che non ci colpiva o ci aveva solo sfiorato, la “signora” ci ha fatto visita nella notte del 24 giugno interrompendo bruscamente una stagione che fin qui si presentava più che ottima: d’altra parte è un fatto ciclico e prima o poi doveva capitare anche a noi… C’è voluto qualche giorno per recuperare le energie e la voglia di analizzare serenamente l’entità dei danni, che per ora sembrano limitati ad una perdita di quantità, “solo” un 30/40% della produzione.
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